There's Dr. Zaius

and Dr. Monkey von Monkerstein

And Princess Sparkle Pony


Johnny Yen

Evil Spock

Blue Gal

D Cup
Matty boy

Chris in Seattle

And so many more.
So I got me one too now, guys.
Be patient.
Wonderlust is perhaps as bad an affliction as wanderlust - sinclair lewis
Let me be the first to congratulate you on your new blog, Jess. I am very happy for you! I love your writing style, you are the best! Time to get out from the shadows and spread your Batgirl wings!
Hell yeah kid, you can hang. Join the fun and judging by your first post it looks like you may blow us all out of the blogwater with your wit.
Good to have you in our bloggerhood.
Hang, park, whatever. I'll buy your first tank o' gas. Welcome to the party. xo
Aw, you guys are the best! (wipes little tear from the corner of her eye)
Wait! I've just referred to myself in the third person. This is going to my head!
Seriously, I don't think I can keep up with you guys but I'm looking forward to the fun.
Welcome to the neighborhood. I'd bring over a plate of brownies, but my teenagers ate them all.
I'll blogroll you instead.
By the way, my car is parked here:
Look Dave! I got your car added.
Thankyou, sir, for the kind thoughts.
Sweet ride you gave me there!
If they let me hang around, they'll surely let you.
I'll be adding you to my blogroll soon!
Nice start. I'll be back.
Yay! Jess! With every small blog that I regularly read, I drop off a biggie. Who to kill off from my reader? Hmmmm.
Thanks for the cool car you gave me. I think I know what my next avatar will be.
HEY! You got the color right and everything!
Welcome to blogsylvania, Jess.
Welcome to the blogosphere! I've enjoyed your comments on my blog and on others, and had hoped you'd decide to partake.
And damn, you picked out a nice set o' wheels for me!
Perhaps in you new role as a blogger, you can help bring about the historic reappapproachment between Zaius and Monkerstein. We need both of the simian evil genius' on the same side: ours.
Can you show me where the bus stop is?
Hello, Jess! It's a pleasure to meet you! May your blog be added to Yoga Korunta's side bar? Please write if it's okay.
None of us can keep up with Blue Gal: Muse of the Blogosphere.
Looking forward to reading more; there, first person singular!
Hey Jess, welcome! Gee, can I pick the car I would LIKE to be????
Maybe someday!
phydeaux thanks for the welcomes.
johnny yen I thought you'd like it. And I too would like to see some rapprochement amongst the apes and the monkeys.
tengrain Oh, I knew I'd step in it! I had a car for you and a few others too, but I stopped short. I've put yours in for you now, so I hope you like your ride. And your parking spot is always guaranteed available and urine-free.
yoga korunta mais oui!
bac nice!
I see my legendary my parking skills have made it to your neck of the woods.
i think she's a keeper. looking forward to more great!
HI there, and welcome. Did you pick all those cars out yourself? Got one for me?
I need a car. The deus ex machina doesn't stop here anymore.
I am awed and honored to find myself on your blogroll, but how the heezy did you get that actual photo of my actual car Jess? You are a sneaky one and I love that in a blogger!!!
Chris: I have added your car. Hope you like - it is made of steel
Can I just say --- and maybe I'm just jealous --- that this is something that really BUGS me about the blogging world, because breaking down into the who's cool and who's not categories is a little too much like middle school ...
That said, I'm glad you're blogging. I enjoy your posts so far.
Coooool. Thanks Jess. I was wanting to upgrade from the Mustang anyway.
My dog hangs her head out of that thing, she'll lose it.
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