Here's the latest GOP ploy to retain control of the White House even though Americans are sick to fucking death of them:
Award California's electoral votes by congressional district to each presidential candidate. Currently, like every other state, California awards all of its electoral votes to a single candidate. It has 10% of all electoral votes at 55. The split is assumed to be somewhere between 33/22 and 36/19. The result is to move those 19 or 22 votes out of the democratic candidates tally over to the republicans, which would win the country for the republican.
Or so goes the thinking.
Here is the USA red/blue state map for 2004:

Let's look at the red/blue divide by county in California. This is where we get a better idea of the logic of the GOP:

California is a big prize, dems could counter with similar proposals in North Carolina (15 votes) Ohio (20 votes) and Louisiana (15 votes). These are states with winner take all that went red in '04 but which would evenly counter California's 19 or 22 net bleed. They also all have democratic governors. A similiar proposal might be harder in Texas with a republican governor and legislature, but with very solid blue counties and 34 electoral votes, I wouldn't bet the farm on it either. Texas has a legacy of producing some very strong democrats. While it will go in the red column in '08, would you want to be so sure of it in '12? I dare you to open that box, Pandora.
Meanwhile, back in California, dems are proposing doing away with electoral college votes and granting votes based on the popular vote.
Another point is that if you go inland from the coast of California, you will find a vast desert that is only inhabited by the occasional gas station. The counties in question have populations in the triple digits. Any map that shows the inland part of California as voting Republican must be talking about the half dozen kinds of rattlesnakes and the occasional tortoise that is the fauna of the region.
i hate the electoral college -- the electoral college gave us the worst nightmare in our history -- but i hated it before
an anachronism from the 1700s --- but i even hate what california is doing too --- they should ALL change or none... have this ridiculous electoral college difference by state is so-George Bush
btw -- Maine and Nebraska have proportional electoral college voting
Great post, Jess. I agree that the electoral college is archaic. But if one state only changes, it messes up the whole system. Only if all states change would this be a good idea.
Ack, blogger is messing with my "user name". But "Scott" is really "pygalgia". Or visa-versa.
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