Below are the comments of a well-known politician. See if you can guess who said:
"None of you should believe we are winning this war. There is no evidence that we are winning this war,"
"I believe we need to find leaders who are prepared to tell the truth ... about the failures of the performance of Republicans ... about how dangerous the world is,"
"We've been engaged in a phony war. The only people who have been taking this seriously are the combat military."
"We used to be a serious country. When we got attacked at Pearl Harbor, we took on Imperial Japan, Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. We beat all three in less than four years. We're about to enter the seventh year of this phony war against ... [terrorist groups], and we're losing."
"First of all, we have to have a national energy strategy, which basically says to the Saudis, 'We're not going to rely on you.' "
The answer is in comments.
Yep. Newt Gingrich.
I edited one of his statements thusly:
""I believe we need to find leaders who are prepared to tell the truth ... about the failures of the performance of Republicans ... failed bureaucracies ... about how dangerous the world is,"
I removed the failed bureacracies line to make the guessing a little harder. Now that it is back you can see that he's not really left the dark side at all.
The full article is here
I am disgusted. It is hard to imagine him ever leaving the dark side.
The world is dangerous because of Newt, among other reasons.
It appears that he is positioning himself well to appeal to the Repellicans who are dissatisfied with the course of the Iraq debacle (and the Bush malAdministration in general).
Which means he'll be shot down in flames by the core 30%.
He should just stick to (co) writing historical fiction.
Will he ever just go away?
Good old Newt.
Anyone named "Newt" is a saint in my book.
franiam he will never leave the dark side. But he will pander.
phydeaux right now I guess he has a 7% stake in the gop race. In these dark days one happy pastime is to watch these guys bow at the fundie altar when all the while you know they are never going to make the fundie overlords happy.
PoP let's keep watching his pathetic irrelevance, shall we? Sad, though, that we are living through all the divisiveness and anger that he has wrought. (In the linked article he talks about how sad it is that we have become so partisan. Like Jesus lamenting everyone becoming christians, if you ask me.
fairlane I shall keep my eyes open for the patron saint of belly crawlers for you and notify you on the proper day.
Do any of those on the dark side ever go away? See the recycling of former Home Depot golden-parachute recipient Robert Nardelli to take over Chrysler. Only in America can you totally fuck up at your job, get paid millions to just go the hell away, then land another job fucking up some other company. Amazing. Eat your heart out, Horatio Alger.
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