And thus, was I informed that it is Paul Reubens 55th birthday. I also learned through IMDb that Mr. Reubens is currently in production on the film version of "Pee Wee's Playhouse". whoot! whoot!
I guess it is important to talk to the kids once in a while.
Dang! I don't know who's cuter, Pee Wee or DCap!
Gees, 55??? Wow. How are you handling those difficult fifties? My Hugo's still a few years away, thank goodness; I mean, will I have to buy him a car? Should we have "that talk"???
Today's secret word is "birthday."
Dcap wins all the way around althought I luvs me some Pee Wee.
Notice my careful avoidance of the word describing the anniversary of one's entry to the world!!
Oh Dr. Monkey!
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