If I were a stain, I think I'd be a mustard stain.
To get rid of me, first you'd scrape me
with a dull knife. (You may substitute "loofah" for knife here.*)

Then you'd sponge me with cool water.
Then you'd gently rub me with a mild detergent. (Pick one that smells

Then give me a ShoutTM out.

Then a nice wash and air dry.
Thank you.
If you were a stain, what would you be?
*You weren't going for the falafel joke were you? WERE YOU?.
I'd be a grape juice stain. Hardly anything takes out grape juice.
Dr. Monkerstein is using your blog to complain about the fact that no one takes him out on dates.
I would of course be a stain from a slice of choclate cake. (two of them, in fact!)
I'm going with grass stain. Right on the knee, with a little speckle of blood from the scrape on the knee.
A stain on humanity. I've told that many times.
Would a blood stain be too morbid? You could never get rid of me. (I'm talking to you Lady Macbeth.)
Red wine for me!
I don't care what kind of stain I am, I just want you to try to get me out like that...
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