Thursday, October 25, 2007

Who's bugging me now

I don't know why. But that baby talk voice is really starting to grate. Renee, you are thirty-eight. Worldly wise is better than cutesy at this point.


Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

She thinks that voice will help her steal Jim Carey back from Jenny McCarthy.

dguzman said...

Or find another country singer to marry for a day or two.

Jess Wundrun said...

Dr. MvM Carey must have something for women with obnoxious voices.

Suzy said...

I hate hate hated the movie Cold Mountain, where she had that weird mouthpiece and was supposed to look like a hillbilly, but still had those pouty botox lips. Eeeuwwww. And Nicole Kidman and Mr. Jude "sleeps with my children's nanny" Law.Way to wreck a good book!