It is 6:19 and thankyou Congress, darkness is just now falling. Last year we had daylight savings time already so it was much creepier at 5pm when trickertreating was supposed to start so no one is really out and about yet.
I've had about five groups so far. Up the street is the coolest house. They have a kid in stilts dressed up as the grim reaper, funky music, smoke machines and candlelit paths. Since they are nearby, we usually plan on lots of little gremlins, but I must say, thus far it has been a little slow.
Ben tried to find creepy music on Sirius, but the best he could come by is Grateful Dead. Maybe a bit esoteric for the little ones. Ah, well, it goes good with my chardonnay.
6:23 Ding Dong: The neighbors grandkids. Forgot the oldest ones name. Damn you wine! Damn you.
6:25 I guess I'll read my pile of National Geographics while I sit and wait......
6:32 Let the dogs out of the bedroom and the doorbell rang. Feckin A', the dogs ran out in the yard and wouldn't come back in. One little girl. Pirate. About the eighth. Pirates are the thing in 2007.
6:34 Mardi Gras girl or something. She was like eighteen. Shouldn't you be out chewing on some of those crystal meth poprocks my hysterical mom friends are warning me about, young lady? Her parent/guardian had a dog who was dressed up. Next year I'm dressing the pug up like the dog in "Men in Black". They have the little suit. I told Ben I was going to buy it and walk the dog in the suit every day.
6:38 Two little girls. Seems the "devilish angel" is a big thing this year. Does nobody actually say "Trick or Treat" anymore? Ben better be telling the kids to say it, damnit.
6:44 Neighbor returning wine glass. Maybe I'll join the kids for a bit. What do you think will happen to the treat bucket if I set it on the porch? Let's see......
6:48 Things are cranking up at the scary neighbors. There is screaming. Last trick or treater was a king or queen or something. Ding dong. going.
6:50 Big group. One kid who asked for like, three rounds of candy for his little brother. Excellent plan, young one. Excellent. The kid was dressed as spidey. What can I say, I gave up four heapin' helpings of tattoos, dum dums and tootsie rolls (the fruit kind - what do you think I am, a crappycandyhanderouter? no way.
6:53 middle schoolers. whassup, you guys?
6:54 dad was dressed as a Viking. Brave in Packer terroir.
7:05 The cheesenips came back. Littlest one was crying because someone laughed at her witch makeup. Then said laughing offender came over. Oh, well. Handed out candy to several people we knew followed by some kids who were taller than me. Don't you kids have jobs?
7:08 First group to holler "Trick or Treat" except for the little girl who was on her cell phone. I am not kidding.
7:09 Older kids again. Sheesh. Shouldn't you be experimenting with cigarettes?
7:11 Big group. One girl (14ish) not even bothering to wear a costume. Next year just phone it in to me, okay Lolita? I'll just send the candy over.
7:18 The pez dispenser wanted to know if the rats on my porch were real. Nope. But you should have seen the Jehovah's witness lady jump when she tried to ring my doorbell a few
days ago. (I stapled one right above the doorbell. tee hee)
7:20 Three kids, all scream masks. Okay.
7:24 I just managed to pop popcorn in the PopCrazytm. Loner kid. Costume: Parka and backpack on backwards with top zipper open to catch candy. Imaginative,
7:26 Young couple (younger than some trick or treating) with baby. Just getting treats for baby. Happy Halloween! Welcome to your nightmare. Then little girl with green face and bright blonde hair. Very hip if you were Regan from "Exorcist", otherwise I think you just lost your hat.
7:54 Okay, it's all over at 8pm. The cheesenips are back and faces washed. (Only two layers of skin removed) there will be stragglers, but it is all over. The tootsie rolls are gone, there are two tattoos and quite a few dum dums. Yes, by themselves dum dums are a shitty handout. But with tattoos? Yeah, uh hum.
See you next year!
Happy Halloween.