Why did McCain want to do so many town hall style debates? He is breathing heavy, writing copious notes and for all the world sounding like the guy who wants you off his lawn. He seemed LOADS more presidential behind the podium.
Note to Barack: accept the offer for another 11 townhall style debates in the next month!
Hey, give credit to Grampy--he kept the seething to a minimum.
By the way, did you notice how fast him and trophy wife beat feet after the debate? Meanwhile, the Obamas worked the crowd for about 10 minutes, looking like they were genuinely enjoying themselves.
I did see that they did not really share a love connection. Yet, Cindy looked like she had about $800 worth of hair do going on. She should have worked the look rather than running off. Just shows you Republicans don't know value
I was extremely impressed that, after Obama mentioned McPOW's favorite song, the old goober didn't waddle on over and bum rush him with some imaginary Green Beret shit.
"Off his lawn" Ha! That is perfect! You could just HEAR him thinking "g**damn kids and their questions". Hilarious.
(I do wish Obama had aaked "Hey! If you know how to get Bin Laden, then why don't we give you a break so you can go call the Army!")
I think the 'game changer' that McCain had hoped for turned into a diaper changer for him instead.
Dr. Zaius, better he changes the diaper than not, no?
I also heard that McOld was looking rather spastic and panicky during the thing. Hardly presidential.
But don't ya know Jess, now they're complaining it wasn't a "real" town hall format!
Seriously, McCain didn't seem to shine in what is supposedly his forte, for sure. Obama did great.
Apparently Mavericks love town hall forums. That's what I was told.
Because it was a stunt and that's all he has are stunts?
Oh my word. I listened to the Waukesha rally today. McCain sounded downright shaky. His speech was poorly written. The whole thing was an embarrassment.
Is that a photo of McCain's son who recently got caught up in a failed Nevada bank scandal?
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