This weekend is the Food and Wine show in Kohler, Wisconsin. Ben and I have plans to attend. In addition to all kinds of food and wine tastings, educational seminars, good eats, there are shows too. Ilan and Hung, winners from Top Chef seasons two and three will be having a cook-off. I met a woman who attended last year who said her only complaint was that the tequila tastings were at ten in the morning. Whoo-hoo. The in-laws are on their way to pick up Lotta and Ima. They are going back to Grandma and Grand-dads for a Halloween party and weekend o' fun. Up whose alley does this whole thing run? Mine, dammit.
Until I woke up this morning with pinkeye.
(On the bright side **not too bright, the lights hurt** I will have the house to myself for the whooooooole weekend).
OUCH. I had pink eye as a kid--I'll never forget the sight of that little tube o' goo, coming in the hand of my mommy at my crusty little red eye, and me screaming my head off.
Have fun, and maybe throw a tequila shot in your eye. All that alcohol might just clear things up!
Nice try. You just wanted to stay home so you can start drinking tequila at 9am instead of 10. You can't fool us.
If you like I could come by and I could drink beer while sitting around in my underwear, you know just to keep you company.
dguzman thanks alot. I haven't been to the doctor yet and I was only dreading the whole insurance bullshitty part. Now this!
randal you are on to me!
dr. monkey that would be nice. I know you are a monkey, but you actually could wear pants.
Ah, dang it! Well, Randal does make a good point.
wear shades- mangia!
Oh honey, that just sucks for you. Put on the shades and enjoy the silence.
I had pinkeye once - and in both eyes.
Ick. I feel for you!
pink eye! i feel like i am in camp. camp wundrun......
can you send me some of the food
I remember when I had pinkeye when I was little too. My eye itched like hell and was all glued shut in the morning. Ugh. Hope you feel better soon!
Send up a flare or something next time something like this happens- I will gladly sub for you and take one for the team by eating way too much and making sure the booze tastings are up to your standards.
And all for the low, low price of free.
I'll keep my eye out for the flare...
I hope it's better now!
I used to get pinkeye frequently when I was a kid because my sisters all wore contacts and would spread the germs around.
Wotta coincidence - I used to get pinkeye all of the time in high school! I got it from smoking pot. Shh! Put it out! The principal is coming!
Two chefs from Boulder will be on the next season of Top Chef. One is from my favorite fish/oyster bar - Jax!
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