But this.
I need to find something to feign sadness and gravitas all at once so that people will think it is not allergies, but some tragedy. Yet with the GOP in a tidee-bowl death spiral I'm coming up pretty happy.
Except for the damned allergies. Screw you, ubiquitous green pollen!
I can't believe your cuss-o-meter is up to 82.3%.
Feel better. I have the same problem (although it hits me in late summer and early fall), and so does my 3yo...the older one has been spared. So much for the breastfeeding guarding against allergies.
Oh dear. I do not have it allergically, but I did once have it virally (translation - not much you can do but let it run its course) in both eyes once.
That sucked a lot.
Hope you feel better!!!
HOLY SHIT. 82.3! My eyes are burning too, Jess, but not from allergies.
If that's you in the pic I would humbly suggest you not only need to deal with your allergies but you also need to get to a stylist stat and do something about those split ends.
I got the same problem. Oh, check your gmail account when you get a minute.
Get well soon! I hope that the ubiquitous green pollen stops bothering you, but lets hope that the Tidee-bowl death spiral of the GOP is in for a long, turbulent courtesy flush.
Have you thought about getting your eyes replaced with robot ones? No more allergies! Unless you're allergic to rust.
Hope your human ones get better quick!
Allergies, that's what I'll say the next time they try to bust me.
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