Friday, March 28, 2008

Splotchy, S. Frog and the Monkey

All the kids are doing it:
Splotchy, Monkey and Samurai Frog.



Splotchy said...

Aw crap. I don't know what escalating textile race I have gotten myself into, but I am sure to lose now.

I'm still hurtin' from the taint wars!

Distributorcap said...

a textile race?

Anonymous said...

Has Kimono been informed? This is her territory.....

and I like that chintz! I'm such a sucker for big floral prints.

Dr. Zaius said...

How delightfully chintzy! I shall have to think about this...

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Brilliant! I never thought of chintz.

dguzman said...

No one ever thinks about chintz until it's just too late.

Fran said...

I am a fabric looser - but you cool kids keep me amazed!