Monday, March 10, 2008

Cuba Libre

Has anyone else been struck by the irony inherent in two George Bush news stories from late last week?

In one story, he laments that nations haven't stood up to the government of Cuba nor properly condemned its human rights abuses.

In the other story he vetoed a bill that would force him to stop the torture of prisoners. Many of whom are being held in ... Cuba.


Dean Wormer said...


That is an awesome catch. I never expect this knucklehead to be consistent but at least he should make an effort to ensure his hypocrisy isn't highlighted.

I guess he just doesn't care anymore.

Don Snabulus said...

Your graphic brings it into sharp focus. Thanks!

Splotchy said...

A nice post.

s. douglas said...

You could also ask, If we're interested in "Human Rights," why is it again that China has favored trade status?

Oh yeah, Wal-Mart.

How silly of me.

Never mind.

Claire said...

Fairlane beat me to my comment.

dguzman said...

Hey, when the commies do it, it's TORTURE. When we do it, it's for SECURITY.

Mauigirl said...

This is a great justaposition - I hadn't thought of it this way before.

Dr. Zaius said...

What a great graphic you made! Now I know which beaches to avoid.

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry. i've lost the ability to distinguish duplicitous and self-contradictory statements issued by the current administration from any other form of communication they practice.

Freida Bee said...

That's such a professional graphic! I would really enjoy seeing that on my evening news program. That's unlikely, though, it would fit right in on the Daily Show, SNL, or Colbert.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Do as he says, not as he does.

Distributorcap said...

since when has george bush cared about being a hypocrite?

Comrade Kevin said...

That made me so mad I just took off my flag label pin.