For some reason this strikes me as a place not unlike the Natural History Museum where you can go to see things that have long gone extinct.
"Lookie, there honey - the Fourth Amendment!

Wonderlust is perhaps as bad an affliction as wanderlust - sinclair lewis
Too quaint for words*!
*Especially since all words are being monitored
I'll wager a fiver that if he does end up setting one up, it will actually be called the "Fantastic Freedom Institute".
Ha! What a great observation. We can put the Constitution right next to the stuffed Dodo and caspian tiger collection.
Wow- it just blows the mind, doesn't it?
What a country!
I envision it being more like a Chuck Yer Cheese, complete with guy in giant rat costume.
dguzman I think they like the term 'rendered quaint'. They are big on 'rendering' and 'renditions'
splotchy I bet he does it just to get the cast of the Fantastic Four to come to the ribbon cutting. (Or just Jessica Alba anyway)
dr.Z better than in the restroom next to the t.p.
franuis usetabee.
Suzy I have never been to a Chuckie Cheese! Tony Snow kind of already looks like a guy in a giant rat costume. And, it seems he too is pretty surprised by how little government workers get paid.
I think they could work out some revenue sharing agreement with the Creationism Museum in Kentucky. You gotta keep the trolls well-funded ya know.
I vote he calls it the Fantastic French Institute.
Omni Poo you would be amazed at how many times I came across images from the creationist museum while looking for a decent photo for this blog.
Monkeywelcome back. was this absence another quarantine? Better N. Carolina in September than the number one city in the US I guess.
I hope they'll serve "freedom toast" and "freedom fries" there. I love "freedom toast".
We'll be so busy stuffing our faces we won't even notice that pesky little fourth amendment...
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