The editor of the student newspaper at Colorado State University has written a concise editorial prompted by the recent tasering of a student in Florida.
It reads:
Taser this. Fuck Bush.
J. David McSwane, the student editor along with the editorial staff said they believe CSU students are apathetic about their freedom of speech and other rights.
"We thought the best way to illustrate that point was to use our freedoms," he said.
However, in just hours after publication of the pointed editorial, the paper lost over $30,000 in ad revenue. That money will have to come out of the pockets of the student staffers.
I am thinking I could help out by taking out a personal ad in the paper. Maybe you could too. Mine would say 'thankyou CSU college students for being shiny hopesticks in a big fat field of stinkin' asstwigs.'
Maybe I'll work on that wording.
UPDATE: Taking dguzman's advice, I did not change my wording and I did place an ad at the Rocky Mountain Collegian website in the Classifieds section under "Notices". I was expecting to pay via paypal or a credit card but I was not charged that way, apparently I will be contacted by a staffer about payment options. I chose to run a 24 word ad for 3 days. I guess my charge will be about 18 bucks. Not exactly 30 grand, but if all 1,666.666666666666666666666667 of my readers pony up the same dough, they will make up the 30 big lickety-split.
You're not really going to pay the pledge you made to Jerry Lewis, so cough up the dough for the Rocky Mountain Collegian. Now!
You can do the same by following this link: http://www.collegian.com/classifieds/index.cfm?event=displayAbout
I think the wording is just right.
Maybe another good ad would publish the names of the idiot businesses who withdrew their support of the paper, with a big hedline that reads "Freedom of the the Press means shit to these businesses."
The single funniest thing you ever wrote is "'thankyou CSU college students for being shiny hopesticks in a big fat field of stinkin' asstwigs.'"
I'm sending you a virtual hug for this post.
Jess - the cascading 666's in your fee do not escape my notice.
My pennies are in the mail. I just don't know where live.
Rock on sister.
Hmm... Is there a lonely hearts section to the paper? I always get stuck on the crossword. 37 down is driving me nuts!
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