Wednesday, April 29, 2009

They Fear the Frankenspecter Monster

" The issue, he said, "really relates to ... whether or not in the United States of America our people want the majority party to have whatever it wants, without restraint, without a check or balance."

---Senator Mitch McConnell on Arlen Specter's defection to the Democratic Party

Hey, Mitchie. Would that be like letting the majority party go into a trillion dollar war, tank the economy and ruin the environment?

Just wondering.


Dr. Zaius said...

Hee hee! If the Republican Party eats anymore sour grapes, they are going to get a tummy ache!

Randal Graves said...

Sour grapes? I hope they eat some rancid ones and go into a mass coma.

Comrade Kevin said...

Let them eat grapes!

Joe said...

The sputtering is fun to watch, isn't it?

Karen Zipdrive said...

McConnell's got no chin and he's got no chance.

Mauigirl said...

What amazes me is their total lack of self-awareness. Do they really not know that everything they say is total irony considering the last 8 years?

Fantastic Forrest said...

The truth is that Specter's defection is just an ugly opportunistic move on his part, and he may well not often vote with the D's. I do love the irony of the R's whining, though.

Johnny Yen said...

This is pretty damned fun to watch, isn't it?