Dear Psyche, haven't we got better things to do with our dreams? Tonight is she going to come and tell me I'm poor?
Oh, and as far as messengers go, I know you've got a Mark Rufalo or a Kenneth Branagh (as Hamlet) in there somewhere.

Wonderlust is perhaps as bad an affliction as wanderlust - sinclair lewis
I'm pretty sure if Paris Hilton was ever within eye distance from me she'd look right past me.
I would be embarrassed to reveal what she said to me in my dream. It wasn't pretty. And that fricking dog was there too!
Colin Firth would not be a bad messenger, either. And he wouldn't call you fat.
I'd rather have that than my dream, in which I decided to eat a shrimp which promptly turned into a big fat slug in my mouth.
Don't get me started on the poor quality of dreams these days. I'm sick of this shoddy craftsmanship!
@dguzman, did you take any illegal substances before bedtime, 'cause that's freaking bizarre.
Maybe you should enter one of Ms. Hilton's dreams and tell her she's intelligent and people actually care what she thinks. You know, she tells you something that isn't true and you return the favor -- a little tit-for-tat.
By the way, you've been tagged. No offense taken if you don't feel like doing it.
Let's see, you have Paris Hilton, Psyche, Mark Rufalo and Kenneth Branagh in your head. It sounds like it's getting kind of crowded in there.
You are so not hot, Jess.
Huh, Paris Hilton was in my dream last night too. She didn't say much.
Psyche, you're fired!
My wife woke up this morning and told me she dreamt last night that she was married to Howard Stern. WTF?
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