Because I didn't miss enough work with my faux heart attack scare and subsequent vicodin bender, today I reported for jury duty to find myself empaneled on a jury for a case that should take all week.
I have always wanted to be on jury duty. But somehow the county couldn't find me for the last five years when I had no job (or at least gainful employment). Let's just say the timing sux.
Of course, I'd love to tell you all about it, but rules are rules. It is a criminal case, I think that's all I'm allowed to divulge.
Cross your fingers that they do not make me foreman. I plan to pick my nose in public for the first part of the day tomorrow.
If I ever get there, I should add. Big snowstorm is predicted for tonight. The kids stand a good chance of having a snow day tomorrow. Have fun, Ben!
Good luck. Have them drawn and quartered if they're guilty.
Heck, do it anyway. Why spoil the fun?
Pick me, pick me! After you wash your hands.
How exciting! At least if you have to be on jury duty you got on a case. That is always fascinating to me. I've been on a couple in the past and it was very interesting.
When it rains it pours or in your case snows...I hope at least it's a juicy case full of depravity, but not too gross.
I'll baby sit. Ship the kids down here.
I always wanted to be on a jury, imagining the poignant and compelling courtroom drama that would unfold before my eyes. The reality? A bunch of generic uncharismatic guys with ill-fitting suits, poor speaking skills, and boring voices. The defense lawyers were even worse.
What a disappointment.
You are going to to pick your nose in an attempt get lesser duties? Hmm... You should try picking the nose of the prosecutor - While he is speaking, perhaps. They might even send you home early!
I can't wait to read your tell-all book!
Will you vote to send the defendant to the hoosegow?
I've been called to jury duty three times, but had to serve only once. It was for a civil trial. When I went to the restroom the other jurors conspired to elect me foreman.
Both lawyers were well prepared and we had trouble deciding. They bring up points of law that we had no experience with.
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