If I had a billion dollars for every time I heard a jackass on tee vee this week exclaim that corporate executives being handed free money FROM THE TAXPAYERS deserve to make whatever salary they can get away with cuz hey that's capitalism, I could actually bail us out of this mess.
If the government gives your company more money than it is worth to fix the mess you made that is not capitalism, no matter how hard you try to spin that onion.
I heard some con on the other day say that in America everyone has the right to go before their employer and ask for what they are worth. This in defense of the CEO's who brought down our economy. I thought 'damn, what an eloquent argument for collective bargaining'. Somehow I'm sure that's not what the guy had in mind.
UPDATE: If you are so inclined, here is a petition: http://action.seiu.org/bailout/
I really do think those guys ought to give it back. We see some of those executives in sack cloth suits and I might feel a bit better.
As a welfare king, I'm sick of not being part of the conversation.
Well, off to drive my Cadillac around town.
The vast majority of self-proclaimed "conservatives" and advocates of "the free market" are being shown for what they are--shills for high end thieves and swindlers.
Interestingly, there are some (very few) conservative voices beginning to speak up against this sort of rapacity. Barry Goldwater is spinning in his grave.
Thanks for putting me back on your blog roll and for following my blog. I hope our little spat is over with. I've missed you, my little cheesehead. :0)
You said it. Capitalism only works when it is held in check by some common sense. These people are out of control.
Hoo boy, the jackass apologists and lickspittles were out in force today. You'd think that Friday was going to be the end of the world....
P.S. I signed that petition.
P.S. again - hey! I want to fail my children! Don't ruin my fun by telling me I'm not failing them. Being a good mom is more pressure than I need right now. I've got Wall Street to bail out! (hugs, Jess)
Without a television, I can only imagine what kinda pile Joe Sixpack is being sold regarding this.
Signed the petition, thanks. And called my Senators. It was hard getting through, which I took as a good sign, relatively speaking.
I think the Senate should tie this cabveat to the $700 billion bail out:
Nobody at any of these campanies can make more than $50,000 per year.
And AIG has to give staff health insurance, but the executives have to buy their own.
I think the Senate should tie this cabveat to the $700 billion bail out:
Nobody at any of these campanies can make more than $50,000 per year.
And AIG has to give staff health insurance, but the executives have to buy their own.
(coffee please)
Ha! You made a great graphic, Jess!
Let's hope Pelosi and Reid keep resisting. Let those companies find some private investors to whom they can sell their line of bullshit. At least then MAYBE they'd be earning a little of their bloated salaries.
I liked how the one senator on the Banking Committee referred to the bail-out as SOCIALISM. WTF? It's the worst of the worst of capitalism, for Pete's sake!
we are really in bizarro world
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