"It's very important when you consider even national security issues with Russia as Putin rears his head and comes into the air space of the United States of America, where — where do they go? It's Alaska. It's just right over the border. It is — from Alaska that we send those out to make sure that an eye is being kept on this very powerful nation, Russia, because they are right there. They are right next to ... to our state," -Sarah Palin to Katie Couric
Um, why is Putin flying around in Alaska? Does Sarah know that Russia is actually quite large and that if he's going to Washington he's got no reason to go thousands of miles out of his way to fly around above Alaska? Will someone call her on it? Is pointing out that she's stupider than a box of rocks sexist?
I am just wondering.
Geographically speaking (something beyond SP's imagination no doubt) Moscow is closer to NY or DC than it is to Wasilla... Pass it on!
Flying is for effete lie-bruls. Real men, like Sarah, drive a SUV. Thus, the longer route.
One of my co-workers mentioned last night that Palin dug herself in further with the Russia comments on Couric's show.
I've got a post brewing about how insulting the choice of Palin was for the many well-qualifiied Republican women he could have chosen-- Elizabeth Dole, Nancy Kassenbaum, etc.
Well, all you liberal smarty pants, you prolly forgot about that TV movie called "World War III" where Rock Hudson played the President and what did the Russkis do?
Invaded Alaska.
So who's looking all stupid now?
Sexist? You might actually be doing a disservice to the box of rocks, actually...
I think pointing out her mistakes might actually be the polite thing to do.
You rock Jess.
As for Palin- there are words in that paragraph that I recognize as English but they're strung together in strange ways that rob them of meaning.
I can see the street from MY house.
I'm just saying.
She's starting to ALMOST make Chimpy seems like a fine speech-maker. Almost.
Love the map! Love the verbing of "dumb!"
Really? I think everytime she's not called on this kind of mouthbreathing dopery, it's sexist. It's just like our friend Gee Dubya likes to say "can't have that soft bigotry of low expectations...."
with or without lipstick.
Unf*cking believable, isn't she? DCup, you make an excellent point.
Ignoring her stupidity also ties in nicely with the old fable "The Emperor Has No Clothes." Someone has to point it out!
Maui, I do think though that if we have to have a naked emperor, much better her than, say Chimpy or eeeuuuughhhh McLame.
The Emperor has no Brain. Pass it on.
And Jess, artfully and irrefutably done!
I'll bet if Putin would by chance fly over Alaska, Palin would be on the ground below, shooting at his aircraft with her own personal assault rifle.
And as far as that box of rocks comment, I collect rough gemstone rocks and, they don't say much but they still seem a lot brighter than Palin.
i could swear it is mortimer snerd in a dress
The brain of a crazed chicken on crack. Just sayin'.
-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
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