Zowie, that John McCain sure feels like it's important to govern these days. Remember how they sort of shut down the first day of the convention because there was a hurricane brewing down south? That helped McCain keep Bushie away, a bonus. Sadly, when Katrina struck McCain was eating birthday cake with the big chimpster.
Now McCain thinks that perhaps he should not appear with Barack Obama at their scheduled debate because there's this financial thing a ma roo going down. McCain says he ought to git on back to Washington and start doing some senatorin'.
Great idea, John. You know, way back when you might have considered actually casting a vote on the repeal of the Glass-Steagall act rather than simply "present".
Maybe McCain's campaign slogan should change from "Country First" to "Better Late than Never".
Nah, too honest for the Straight Talk Express.
If he was up in the polls he'd be screaming for the debate to go on as scheduled. Once again he's pulling a stunt.
oh, my word. I wonder how many times he stamped his widdle foot today.
Lol, DCup!
Guess the water's getting a little too hot for McFossil, what with all that lobbyists/lawyers taking money from the failed investment firms thingie-doodle. "Uh, yeah! I gotta go to Washington to fix this goatfuck that me and my guys helped create! Ain't I prezdintual?"
If a plague of frogs were to occur, the feds would be out and about collecting them so they could resell the froglegs under the guise of chicken mcnuggets for a tidy profit.
Rain of toads, more like.
I like the way he makes it sound like he's Superman, flying into Washington. Shameless.
He comes from the Bush school of presidenting where they decide that pretending to be the president is an actual substitute for being the president.
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