A group of anarchist protesters at the RNC convention in St. Paul
were sitting down to eat dinner and watch a movie when police conducted a no-knock raid, breaking down doors and entering the space with guns drawn. There were children there.
Police claimed that they were searching for bomb-making materials. Later the charge was a fire code violation.
Outrageous. Where is the media that kept an eagle eye on the Chinese waiting for a juicy story of governmental abuse of power?
In other news, Blackwater has put out a call for mercenaries, preferably cops with semi-automatic weapons-not revolver only-to report to the Gulf. Evacuees are being bar-coded and recorded so that authorities will know where they are going and what they are doing.
Pure genius, implementing bits o' fascism under the guise of helping others, which is just a happy coincidence.
The rubes buy it, and so do edumacated wingnuts.
I found the barcoding outrageous! They're treating people like cattle. As for knowing who someone is, they could *ask*. What a concept!
The Blackwater thing: I'm not surprised. The wealthy property owners have to be protected!
They're bar-coding them and I'll bet they'll still have to use the self-service checkout down at the FEMA supply store.
Safety first!
Barcoding people in an emergency might not be such a bad idea. Children get seperated from their parents, etc. Taking the information is not offensive, it depends on what they do with it.
The barcoding system broke down quickly and had to be abandoned in favor of getting people out of there. I agree with Dr. Zaius; there are humanistic reasons for doing it, but it could be used in many ways.
I was reading that undocumented immigrants (of whom NO has many) were scared to get on the buses and evacuate.
Blackwater? Dangerous.
I'm thinking the "authorities" will use the failed barcode system as a practice run and make the appropriate changes before the (staged) disaster which requires Martial Law to be declared so that the elections will be postponed indefinitely.
I can also see this barcode system being used by Diebold to make voting more "efficient," perhaps from home.
Ixnay on ar-codes-bay.
In the wrong hands, it could be abused.
And we know who the wrong hands are.
Blackwater and prisons are growth industries in this era of economic stagflation.
What does that say about us? Something not so good.
And if they have trouble with the bar code printer, will they just tattoo numbers on forearms....
**sigh** I'll be in the corner, studying my Newspeak.
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