The story goes that McCain offered Cindy up for the topless and sometimes bottomless Miss Buffalo Chip contest. You know if he's willing to throw the trollop to the wolves half naked in South Dakota for the votes of a few drunken racists, for God's sake can you imagine what he'd offer the Saudis?
*My brothers were in a bar in far northern Wisconsin when a grizzly old drunk told them he'd pissed out more beer in his lifetime than they could hope to drink. Ummm, I'm guessing he wasn't real well informed in biology.
The Bush McCain's never looked better.
Ach Gott im Himmel. Herr Dr. Monkey ist reading mein mind. And posting more quickly too.
The keys to the White House? Oh wait, they already have that.
Not McCain's finest moment, for sure.
And the old douche even flubbed his money line. uuuuhhh uuhhh drilll uuh drill here! drill now!
i just cannot stop laughing
Not that it isn't scary enough already, but it would be a whole lot scarier if those really were Cindy's boobs.
Ever since the rat bastard offered the trollop up the image has been burned into my brain.
Although I do like the viking hat. He kinda has a Flava Falv thing going on there.
That is sooooo funny!!
That is sooooo funny!!
My eyes hurt, but in a good way. Thanks for the laugh.
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