Ed would have his flame thrower of justice -- the one he uses to torch new subdivisions, condo developments and convention centers -- and the SUV driver wouldn't stand a chance!
I was biking downtown and back today and every time I saw an SUV, which was all too often, I had this irrational(?) fear that the driver was going to pull out a gun and steal my bike. Thanks a lot.
I am going to try to be positive like our new President-Elect Obama. But I have this whole box full o' snark and I'm afraid I'm going to have to use it. Sorry, President O. In your second administration I'll play nice, 'kay?
Okay, I'm stumped.
Because I know that you and Suzy are great bike riders who care about the environment.
It would be ironic if you were hijacked by someone you've known was wrong all along
Ed would have his flame thrower of justice -- the one he uses to torch new subdivisions, condo developments and convention centers -- and the SUV driver wouldn't stand a chance!
The oversized SUV's driver even has an oversized gun. Compensating for something? You decide.
I just saw this very same cartoon taped up to the bakery case of EVP on E. Wash! I wonder if it made them think of me?
What you don't see is the sticker on his bumper which reads, "My other car is a Tiny Penis."
I was biking downtown and back today and every time I saw an SUV, which was all too often, I had this irrational(?) fear that the driver was going to pull out a gun and steal my bike. Thanks a lot.
Okay -- where are you, Jess????
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