If you ain't the lead dog the scenery never changes.
Mattyboy asked for more pictures of the dogs. Is this what you had in mind?
The boyz have been cooped up in the house because they were nearly freezing themselves to the trees whenever they went out for a pee. The fatboy was skipping going outside altogether, finding the corner of my daughters bed more convenient. On an up note, since her bedspread gets washed daily, her asthma's been better. The vet said maybe he has a urinary tract infection, would you bring in a pee sample from his first pee of the day? Ben took that sample Wednesday morning. I took it to the vet but stopped for one errand on the way. Since it was -10 or something, the pee froze while in my car. So I had to re-take the sample this morning. Fatboys first pee today? 4:30 am. I had to put on all my snow clothes and chase him around the snowy yard in the dark with a little tray you stick under him when he goes to pee. Yeah, I freaked him out. He'd start to pee, I'd lunge, he'd quit and run away. I'd chase and repeat. The first time he stood still long enough for me to stick the tray under him I discovered he wasn't squatting to pee, he was doing numba two. I did get the sample. I am heading straight for the vets with it.
What a couple of hardened criminals... really cute ones!
Ugh, when my cat gets a uti, its a frikkin' nightmare.
Hope its not crystals. Do dogs get crystals like kitties?
That is too freakin' funny, you trying to get a urine sample from your lil doggie.
Your Daddy was a smart cookie!
Collecting a dog's urine sample is enough, but add snow and cold and dark? No way! I bow down to your determination!
Oh my, Jess. This is my first visit to your blog, so at first I thought you were talking about your sons. Eeesh.
You have a fun site here. I like the mix of politics with zany life stories. Thanks for de-lurking yourself.
Apropos of nothing, I once read a good book about the Iditirod dog race called My Lead Dog is a Lesbian.
collecting animal pee --- oh the joys of life. but they are cute and precious and worth it..
i had to bring it stool samples from the cat. don't ask, it was the week he decided to be constipated. so i had to feed him mineral oil - force feed him.
Oh what precious babies! And collecting their specimens.. We do what we must.
Jess, thanks for the laugh. The things we do for love ...
The pups are awfully cute.
Thanks for more puppy pics, Jess, and a dog lolz to boot!
I've been away from reading my regular bloglist this weekend due to the move, but now I'm settled in and will be reading (and sometimes commenting) on a more timely basis.
Which one is peeing? Which one feels threatened about the position of alpha dog?
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