My favorite pick your own produce farm opens tomorrow! Yay! A few years ago I joined a CSA and got a big box of veggies every week. Unfortunately, we couldn't eat most of it and that's when we started our compost pile. I did learn to love kohlrabi, though. I can't grow a decent vegetable to save my life and don't really have the yard for it anyway, the sad little row of beans I planted by the fence will attest to this. The pick your own place is my dream come true.
So it is pea season. Every year it sneaks up on me just as we get ready to head nort' for the 4th of July weekend. Nothing is better in the middle of winter than fresh frozen peas, and I've sworn this year I'm really going to stock up. I even have a little pea-sheller that is supposed to make the job easier. As long as the pea pods aren't too thick and tough that is. But I haven't got a clue when I'm going to fit pea picking into my schedule. I've already missed the strawberries that I swore I'd make into jars and jars and jars of jam. At least there are later season berries to make up for the strawberries.
Man, I'd be the world's shittiest farmer if I had to do it for a living.
Well I would give you a run for your money on that world's shittiest farmer thang.
Although in a container I can grow me some tomatoes, but that is it.
I love peas.
I totally LOVE them.
No really- fresh peas is nirvana.
Every year, I fail at the farming thing in one way or another. Thank goodness I don't have to be self sufficient yet.
YET, right, DCup?
If you don't have the yard for it, and some time, there's just no way to remember that farming crap. With my garden, I am so impatient that I'm out there every morning and every night, checking on things. I don't waste too much time weeding; I usually just stare at the plants and encourage them on the amount they've grown since the last time I stared at them. They seem to like it--everything is growing fast!
I've never grown peas, but I bet they'd be good. I'm trying to imagine what the hell a pea sheller machine thing would look like....
dguzman it looks a lot like a pasta machine. you run the shells through and it flattens them and pops the peas out. In theory.
While I like peas, I don't like foods that are hard to eat. Peas always roll off the fork. That's why I mix them with the mashed potatoes. Problem solved!
My friend just had a post on her blog about her friend's baby eating peas, slowly and one by one and with his hand.
I just thought that brought forth the most lovely vision and it propelled me right back here.
Don't blame yourself, blame the shitty soil. That's what I do, then I feel better as I chomp down on two-inch long carrots.
Pea season sneaks up on us all.
It's still pea season out there? Peas gave up the ghost at Tengrain's Little Hut about two months ago. But I had them most of the fall and all of the winter and spring.
Oh, I saved some to plant next year (I planted an open-pollenated heirloom variety). I'll be starting again probably in August/September.
Hi Jess, I gave you an award. Please come by my impeachment bloggy.
We've been kicking around the idea of joining a CSA for a couple years now, but we've contented ourselves with our weekly farmers market and our little garden. We did find a farmer who raises organic grass fed beef, and we may make arrangements to buy a half side of beef from him.
It's pea season? Who knew?!
my mother still wont eat peas or if the peas touch anything
i for one love peas
I'm not a fan of peas, but I just harvested our first Russian Plum tomatoes of the season.
Dr. Zaius, I grow a hybrid variety of square peas. No more rolling off the fork!
Fran, I was a little paranoid about my babies choking on food, so each individual pea got squashed flat on the highchair tray.
Jess, I'm going to can currants, green beans, and tomatoes this year. Or so I say.
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