Barack Obama:
"People of Berlin, people of the world, this is our moment, this is our time," the democratic hopeful told an enthusiastic crowd which local authorities estimated at more than 200,000.
John McCain:
McCain had his own German experience Thursday -- at a restaurant in Ohio. "I'd love to give a speech in Germany. But I'd much prefer to do it as president of the United States rather than as a candidate for president,"McCain told reporters after a meal of bratwurst with local business leaders at Schmidt's Sausage Haus und Restaurant in Columbus' German Village neighborhood.
Then he yelled at some kids to get off his lawn.
*That's pronounced [brot] just so you don't assume that McCain ate a small spoiled child. (One of his own? Would that he...)
"I'd love to give a speech in Germany. But I'd much prefer to do it as president of the United States rather than as a candidate for president."
WTF is that even supposed to mean? That Germany doesn't matter to him unless he's president? That he's bitter about Obama grabbing all the headlines? That he has no fucking clue?
Get offa my property, you lousy kids!
It's just painful to watch McCain speak. I swear.
And I LOVE the new look!
"I'd love to give a speech in Germany...but no one asked me to. Damn liberal world. Grrr. Is Matlock on yet?"
Yeah, but Obama looks all fancy and European. McCain looks just like a regular I'd want to have a beer with him? What to do, what to do...
OK, now I've made that joke on like 3 different blogs today, so I've officially worn it (and my welcome) out. Still, a good time was had by me.
I knew what you meant by brat, but I was kind of going with the old "he ate teh baby" kind of thought!!
Looks like he's a pro at eating weiners... like he's been doing it his whole life.
Too bad he didn't choke on that brat. Maybe he should try pretzels.
Funny that McCain had no reservations abouut speaking abroad when he gave speeches in Mexico, Canada and Columbia. :o)
The only thing that would've made this entire week more pathetic for McCain would've been if he'd done photo ops at the European parts of Epcot Center.
Do you think anyone in the GOP is thinking "hey, maybe goading Obama into a foreign trip wasn't such a good idea?"
McBrat didn't speak in Germany because he doesn't have to go all the way to Europe to be boo'd off stage. Well, Obama doesn't have to go all the way to Germany to be met with 200,000 fans either. I'm just sayin'.
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