Hey, guys and gals. This weekend I will be flying through not one but two recently newsworthy notorious airports.
The Wundruns will be at the Minneapolis airport. Apparently there is a famous restroom there. Does anyone have a request for photos or possibly a square to spare from the famous stall? Leave requests in comments.
Minneapolis is our connecting airport, our destination is Phoenix. I will gather no snark there, but will observe a moment for the tragic death of Carol Gotbaum. I also promise not piss off anyone at that place, but will get out as quickly and quietly as I can. Afterall, there was an erstwhile troll here who claims her death to be perfectly justified. I bet he'd think the torture and false imprisonment of me would be justified too. I shall become one with the sheeple.
BTW, the last time I was at that airport I accidently started a fight between two psycho security screeners by asking one of them "How's your day?" She started to cry and claimed the lady handling the queue next to her was being mean. Then the other lady started screaming at her. The fight got really noisy and all the passengers in line behind me were really nervous. They would probably have called security except those two ladies were security. I am not making this up. There is something in the water there.
UPDATE: Ben says there is no way in hell he is going in the men's room and taking photos. Have I mentioned before that Ben is a republican? [gasp]. I don't think this is a sympathic republican homophobery move on his part. He just says if I want the pics I have to go in myself. However-his sister will be with us and she can call him chickenshit and make him do things I can't. So nee ner nee ner nee.
Anyway. I'm working on it.
That airport? Phoenix? Not something in the water, there is no water in Phoenix.
Please take a picture when you leave the airport(s), so we know you made it out in one piece.
Tell Ben Wundrun to avoid the last stall on the left. Really.
And btw, I noticed the great blogroll edition of LOLZTheist. Holy crap Jess, that's a classic, I am heading back over there.
I want to say stay safe, but it feels creepy.
Stay WELL!
There you go my girl.
Heck yeah take a photo of the stall in MN for me.
be carfeul of security guards with wide stances
Oh! Oh! There are urinal cakes! Two slices, please.
I wonder if they have a framed picture of the esteemed Senator on the wall.
off topic
the viral story thread -- of which you were a party of -- has ended with me -- i have made it a wrap
Oh Ben, quit being a weenie....
Ben, just take the damn pics. If you get caught, tell 'em it's for homeland security!
...and Ben, if you do have to go in one of them stalls for, um, whatever reason, bring a paper towel with ya so you can get out without touching any handles.
Just sayin'...
I wonder... the bathroom stalls on the Penn State campus all have closure-thingies made by a company called "HINEY HIDERS" which (unbelievably) stamps their Hiney Hider logo on each closure(-thingy) so you see it when you (ahem) sit down to business. I wonder if perhaps the MN airport has the same contract....
Oh, and
We miss you!
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