The seven things meme is where I lay seven little secrets on the line for you. Okay, maybe not secrets just things I haven't gotten around to blogging about yet. I have alluded to both my stints in jail and at the United Nations, so since you might know about those, I'll put them in the 'to do' pile and not list them here.
The rules:
List seven random things about yourself that people may not know.Without further ado:
Link the person who sent this to you, and leave a comment on their blog so that their readers can visit yours.
Post the rules on your blog.
Tag 7 random people at the end of your post, linking their blog. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. I was once a certified PADI scuba diver. I probably never went diving more than a half a

2. I jumped out of an airplane twice. Both were static line jumps, where they hook a long line from your parachute to the plane. As you jump when the line becomes taut the parachute pulls out of the pack and Wheeeee! you are on your way. I have a slight fear of heights, but when you parachute you are already falling so there's no need to be afraid. On the first jump I sang "Fly me to the moon" at the top of my lungs during my descent. I hope the two way radio wasn't on! The radio was there to communicate with a guy on the ground who would tell you to 'toggle left' or 'toggle right' to change your direction to get you to the landing zone. Because there was a busy highway and powerlines to the north of the landing zone, you listened very carefully to his

Though this isn't about me, I thought I'd mention that the first time my sister flew in a plane was when she went skydiving. The first time she flew on a commercial flight she mentioned to the lady sitting next to her that though she'd flown before, she'd never landed.
3. The first time I ever flew in an airplane was when I was 20. I went with Model Organization of the American States to the Assembly in Washington. I didn't tell anyone that I'd never flown before until after we'd gotten there. One of the guys said if he'd have known he'd have given me his window seat. Since then, I always want the window. No matter how often I fly I never get tired of looking down on the planet.
4. I have never been to an opera, or to a ballet, unless you count events in the basement of the library or recitals that include 3 year old dancers. I am a rube. The first show I saw on

5. My husband keeps a picture of a Jamaican prostitute licking my nipple under his desk blotter. Though it was hot girl on girl action, I think I can say that I am not now nor have I ever been gay. The nipple licking (enjoyable, btw) occurred the night before we got married in Negril. A friend of ours purchased the services of the prostitute for me as a bachelorette kind of thing, which is how I wound up getting licked by her. I wonder if this precludes me from elected office? I think I'll post the rest of that story on our anniversary.

7. I taught myself crochet a few months ago. I'm working on an afghan for my mother. It's straight halfdouble chain in stripes. The colors are garish.
There, that was fun. I'm not officially tagging anyone, but have at it if you feel the urge.
D Cup at PoliTits tagged me with the six word meme a week ago, and here I am getting around to it.
Those rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir.
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like.
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post.
4. Tag five more blogs with links.
5. And don’t forget to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play
My memoir?
I wish I was wrong sometimes
Okay, I cribbed that off the coaster that my coffee cup is sitting on right now. But I think it

Again, not tagging. See above.
Thanks, DCup, Dean, and Dr. Zaius for the tags!
Wow! You life is far more exciting than mine. I never jumped out of an airplane, I never went scuba diving, I've never been to New York, I didn't even know that they made "The Full Monty" into a musical! I did do poorly in high school because I didn't do my homework, though.
Wow! That is one exciting life.
1-2 scuba/ airplane - you are much braver than I could ever hope to be.
3 flying - No matter how often I fly I never get tired of looking down on the planet.
It IS pretty cool.
4. theater - Les Mis was the first big show I saw too. Pretty overwhelming.
5. Jamaican prostitute - weird. I have almost that exact same story. Only it involves a Chihuaha. And I was alone. I think the dog's got a picture of it somewhere...
Jaysus woman. What haven't you done?
I am terrified of heights and I challenge my fear, but I am not jumping out of a plane, unless forced to!
It may be too much to wish, but what I wouldn't do for a garish crochet potholder from the hook of JW...
A girl has to have dreams and I have mine now.
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