There's been a lot of chatter in the last few days about how a resurgent democratic party should treat the republicans who've just gotten tossed. I'm going to bet that no one ever told Newt Gingrich when he took over a republican congress in 95 that he ought to play nice. Demonizing the opposition was chapter one of his playbook.
Two of the conversations on this topic can be found at D-Caps place as well as D-Cups.
As far as republicans being utterly clueless and tone deaf, you've got to read this letter to the editor in my morning paper. Amazing me and that guy even exist on the same planet!
Too bad respect didn't extend to Bush
While your recent editorial urging the country to "pull together" following the election was right on the mark and appropriate, we should not overlook what we've witnessed over the past six or eight years. That has been the constant uncivil, cruel and disgraceful attacks launched against President Bush.
He has been disparaged, vilified, disrespected and demonized without end by commentators, political pundits, editorial cartoonists and late night comedians, among others.
Lost in this frenzy of ridicule is the fact that many of our country's current problems either existed long before Bush came to office or were beyond his control.
We do need more civility and respect for one another, as your editorial stated. It's just too bad such generous thoughts were not put forth long ago on behalf of President Bush. I'm sure the political right will give our new president better treatment and the respect he deserves.
- Fred Wagner, Clinton
I bet that this guy just HATES that he lives in a town named "Clinton".
I find it absurd that the Republicans feel that the Democrats should suddenly be all nice with them when they never acted that way when they were in charge. I think appointing Rahm Emanuel chief of staff was a brilliant move by Obama - he is not known for being overly conciliatory. I think it was a signal that although Obama may try to be less divisive, it doesn't mean he's going to cave to Republican interests.
Yeah, what did Bush ever do?
I mean, other than the Patriot Act, No Child Left Behind, start two wars, watch an American city drown, hire every fox to watch every henhouse and preside over a financial panic of a scale unwitnessed since the 19th Century?
I blame Jon Stewart and David Letterman.
Let peace begin with THEM.
Look, I think it's pretty simple. The sincere, thoughtful types are welcome, as they always have been. The hacks, liars and scumbags aren't. And currently, most of the latter category are announcing they'll obstruct the Democrats as much as they can, so it's not too hard to tell them apart.
I disagree with this writer. He obviously hasn't listened to Rush Limpo in the past week. The GOP has already declared war, see Republican Party press release on Rahm's appointment. They haven't even given our guy his 100 days honeymoon.
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